Wednesday, April 4, 2012

ah, social networking

So, social networking is a pretty big deal these days. Quite frankly, I can't get enough of Facebook. This is probably the social networking site that I tend to use the most often because it literally has pretty much everything on it.  You can talk to your friends, post things, look at pictures, videos, etc. Not only that, but you can link your other social networking sites to it as well such as Pinterest and Twitter. It's extremely convenient to share information and conversation. The reason I use Facebook so much is because it has everything and it's incredibly addicting. I don't think that they need to add anything else to it to make it any more functional. The weird thing about my habit of using Facebook is just that; it's a habit. I would love to stop using it, but it's almost impossible for me. If I stopped using it I wouldn't get group notifications about different films I'm working on, I wouldn't hear from a lot of friends anymore, and I would lose all of the photos I have with friends that I don't want to save on my own computer. Overall, I have an intense love-hate relationship with Facebook.

Another social networking site that I use somewhat often is Twitter. The thing about Twitter is that I go on it often, but I rarely ever post anything. I kind of made my Twitter because my friends told me to, but really didn't understand the purpose. The reason I do go on it at all is because I like to follow people who post funny or positive things. It's nice to go on my Twitter and have a nice laugh once or twice a day or read something positive.  Sometimes I think that is where Facebook is going wrong. From my experience, people tend to complain a lot in their status posts on Facebook, but for some reason everyone likes to say really positive and fun things on Twitter. Who knows. As I already said, however, I don't really USE Twitter. I don't think I've ever posted anything of use on there. In fact, I think the only things I have posted on there are just quotes I enjoyed. I still don't know if I get the point of Twitter. I don't think anything really needs to change on the site, though. I think it just is what it is and if you enjoy it, you probably use it.

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